(",) Dihambat kontroversi yang tak sudah...


       Alhamdulillah..buat kali pertamanya berpeluang membuat naskhah ramadhan untuk blog kali ini walaupun ia bakal menginjakkan ke pengakhirannya tatkala menghitung hari untuk menutup tirai.. Apa khabar iman kita kali ini?? Semoga apa yang diusahakn dari awal Ramadhan mendapat tempat disisiNYA..InsyAllah

        Rasa syukur kepada Allah s.w.t sebab tahun ini berkesempatan menghabiskan sepurnama Ramadhan disisi keluarga tercinta...satu nikmat yang teman rasa begitu bermakna setelah nikmat ini diragut tatkala teman menempatkan diri di asrama pada tahun 2005 dan semestinya semenjak itu, berbuka dan bersahur kebanyakannya dihabiskan bersama kawan-kawan teman yang setia dalam satu titipan perjuangan yang sama..

         Dikala sedih dek Ramadhan bakal meninggalkan kita, teman berasa sedikit gusar bercampur teruja kerana pengakhiran Ramadhan pada tahun ini merupakan titik tolak bakal berakhirnya nikmat cuti yang teman rasa begitu sukar untuk diperoleh pada masa akan datang dan ia juga merupakan penanda aras dimana bermulanya agenda sebenar latihan dan didikan diri yang perlu teman dan kawan-kawan teman ambik dalam mempersiapkan diri menghadapi liku-liku kehidupan yang sememangnya insan yang bakal bergelar doktor patut belajar. Gusar sebab segala pembelajaran teman dan kawan-kawan teman akan datang melibatkan 100% nyawa insan yang terduga oleh Allah dan teruja sebab dapat melangkah ke satu lagi anak tangga untuk mengait bintang yang selama ini teman cari.

          Menyedari saat itu bakal bermula tidak lama lagi, mulut teman tidak pernah berhenti memohon kepada Allah s.w.t disamping mengambil kesempatan mood Ramadhan yg penuh barakah ini.....agar:

  • Dipermudahkan segala urusan teman dan kawan-kawan teman serta tunjukkanlah kami jalan
  • Dibukakan pintu hati untuk mudah menerima ilmu disamping diberi ketenangan diri
  • Diberi keupayaan untuk teman menolong kawan-kawan teman dan diberikan keupayaan kepada kawan-kawan teman untuk menolong teman serta dijauhkan sengketa antara kami
  • Berkatikanlah ilmu yang kami perolehi 
  • Jadikanlah teman dan kawan-kawan teman seorang yang rendah diri dengan segala ilmu yang kami perolehi
  • Permudahkanlah lidah teman dan kawan-kawan teman tatkala berkomunikasi dengan pesakit
Ameenn..Ameenn..Ya Rabbal Alaminn...

          Teringat teman SMS seorang guru kimia teman tatkala meninggalkan dunia ASASI di Petaling Jaya, "Hidup biar ikut resmi padi, makin berisi makin tunduk" Mdm.Wan Mazlita...... InsyAllah segala tunjuk ajar puan kami dokong sampai ke tanah balik kami jadi... Sudah banyak teman berdrama rasanya tatkala pena 'cursor' tidak berdakwat ini kian letih mengisi ruang kosong yang teman rasa tak terkira banyaknya dengan jari..Mudah-mudahan Allah kurniakan kepada teman serta kawan-kawan teman kesabaran yang tinggi menghadapi ujian kami pilih ini...

(",) Who should be blamed??

Assalamualaikum !!! pag ibig mo ang lahat..

       Have a nice day... and my tagline for today is "to feel good is to look good". Absolutely, be optimistic is another option which may give you a different dimension of confidence trick disregard to what the people feel towards you...you seem to create your own world by ignoring any negative perception on you.. and of course you rock your own life...but mind that, optimistic solely is not enough because sometimes put a little hypocrisy may help you better to prevail any difficulties... In short, jgn terlebih sudah.. ermm.....

        Actually, i have another true story whereby i kept from last week before jotting it down here...and before that, Prof Ariff (our best anaesthetist) never misses this in his lecture.. Try to learn, unlearn and relearn. So, xdela nk buka aib org..just learn from it.

        Last Saturday, there was a mother around 60's (org kg aku jgk) came to my house and told something to my mum. And for your information, my mum is another good reason because we have a small shop which supplies keperluan2 dapur, lebih kurang retailer la....She opened her mouth describing about her current family conditions...and honestly, i didn't expect a mother to dishonour her own children (mungkin dah habis ikhtiar kut)

         Okay, senang citer....Briefly, her husband is suffering from heart problem and is advised for not to do any heavy work...Diorng pun bukan dari keluarga yang senang...sekadar bergantung harap dengan anak2 yang dah bekerja je la.....one of her daughter dah terlanjur  ngn her BF and it is a forced-marriage since she was detected of being pregnant.. then she told about her son who involved with drug abuse..xclap  aku methamphetamine (pil kuda)..Dah la bdk tu tak bekerja,dan pil tu bknnye murah...It's truly a sad sad story (kalaulah korang boleh tengok sendiri dpn mata seorang ibu tua dengan penuh ekspresinya bercerita)...yela kan ibu mana tak sedih anak yang ditatang dan dijaga akhirnya menjadi tak seperti yg diharapkan..Mudah2an hari2 yg mendatang ditempuhi dgn penuh tabah dan cekal..ameen..

okaylah guys...belajar dari kesilapan sendiri dan berdoa supaya Allah permudahkan lagi urusan kita..ameenn

P/s: ermm...dah macam rojak dah bahasa aku..k aku cuba ubah untuk post akan datang (seruan kerajaan banggalah dgn Bahasa ibunda)

(",) All about "Pocket reference for ECG made easy"

Assalamualaikum...(kaifa Halukum??)

        As i promise to you before in the previous entry ECG made easy, actually this is just my own review about the book and either you like it or not it's up to you. I'd like rate this book..ermm 3 and half stars . The book is really good because it is handy, easy-to-carry and it highlights the important point to understand the basic knowledge of ECG. The book comprises of 9 chapters :

  • Chap 1 : Anatomy and physiology (revision from our previous BMS)
  • Chap 2 : Basic Electrophysiology (very important chapter)
  • Chap 3 : Sinus mechanisms
  • Chap 4 : Atrial rhythms
  • Chap 5 : Junctional rhythms
  • Chap 6 : Ventricular rhythms
  • Chap 7 : Atrioventricular blocks
  • Chap 8 : Pacemaker rhythms
  • Chap 9 : Introduction to the 12-Lead ECG
Actually, i'm not finishing it yet (ye la kan...this is not a novel, mag. or what)..which i think, don't need to rush finishing it because it is a story of 3 years next (i mean clinical years) just afraid of "cepat habis, cepat plak lupa"..but so far, it is a good production...the book is written based on the various reference textbooks. It provides us of how the waveforms are drawn and why each waveforms are shaped like that. Besides, it tells us how to analyze the ECG strip and the methods to assess or measure the rate of the rhythm. The most important is, it compares the normal and the abnormal ECG strip in each rhythms with a brief description.

Alright, i think this review is more than enough to talk about the book, so i hope it will be beneficial and give you a simple description about it. If you want to get more information just "GOOGLE" it and honestly, there are many other books which are better to give a detailed explanation about ECG.. 

P/s: I'm just a mediocre student and it is my pleasure to give something from my little knowledge and of course I'm so glad to share about it .

(",) ECG made easy....


              It is nearly 1 month staying at home, saying no to any thick-books (you get what i mean right??), saying no to colourful pen & lastly saying no to beautiful notes (ehem2..). So now, try to arrange the time and gain the momentum back before it starts leaving me behind since the clinical years will be start within 2 and half months' time...and InsyAllah it's gonna be fine...

Alhamdulillah, last week i got the chance to spend my holiday's time with my aunties. Indeed, an 8 hours' journey was nothing compared to the opportunity to see them especially the new member of our family, adik Imman Izzati...I'm praying to Allah to give her the good health and growing up to be a pious and virtuous daughter someday. The next day I took a good time pusing2 KL without any exact destination. Then after 1 hour walking aimlessly,  i decided to take Monorail which heading to Titiwangsa and akhirnya berkesempatan singgah di Kedai Buku Kamal...Sempat la beli 2 3 buku...So, 1 of them is Pocket reference for ECG made easy by Barbara Aehlert. 
Why ECG?? It is basically an advice from my bff who now studying medicine in UITM and my seniors (Ye la kan klu kite xthu, kite belajar jgn jadi bodoh sombong). Actually, this book is not my first choice to look for a basic thing about ECG but since the meant-book that i want to buy was sold out...so, i thought xpela..at least you got an idea about ECG.  Just finishing this one 1st before buying the other one (or just borrow it from the library).. InsyAllah if i get a good time, i'll try to write a review and a sneak peak about the chapters within. 

Determination + Efforts + Tawakkal = Great Job
This is what i meant
P/s: thanks mum for a new toaster oven (bolehla sape2 nk share any new recipes.. )

Clinical textbook Yr 3

Assalamualaikum...sawadee krab !!!


salam kak fiza nk tnye...boleh tak akak msg..buku apa yg akak guna dulu masa medical student?? yg akak rasa a must series la..
IM, OnG, Paed, Surgery...

Kak Fiza :

Ya Allah, Fizul.
Mintak maaf ye, baru perasan message yang tak berbalas nih. Huhu~

Moga tak terlambat.

Oxford Handbook
Davidson/Kumar & Clark
Short Case Handbook by UM Press
Neurological Handbook by UM Press (a must book)

10 teachers
Labour Room Protocol
Kedah Labour Room Protocol is quite comprehensive
Kulentran's (some of the topics)

Buku bunga Matahari
Paeds protocol (super important)
Nelson, etc

Garden for the basic input
Burkitt is my favourite, I never use Bailey and Love
Schwart is the thicker book Mr Faidzal ask me to buy during my HOship since I want to become a surgeon
Browse for the clinical aspects, and lots of useful pictures
Mini book from OSCE (beli kat Cheng, warna pink)

Ni sekadar penambahan kepada naurah punya....kalau korang nk wat rujukan la...


(",) Best Award goes to...

Assalamualaikum...salamat ko!!!

I should post this entry 2 weeks ago , but since the words are rather quicker than an action to put through...but anyway... Alhamdulillah, the result of our 1st professional exam already announced...Kepada yang dah lulus, tahni-ah dan kpd yang diduga oleh Allah...insyAllah (masih berbaki sebulan kalau xclap) masih ada ruang untuk memperbaiki result yg sebelum...Doa kami dr warga 13th Legacy sentiasa bersama kamu...

Allright, nak komen pasal MAHABBAH 13th legacy ermm...baca kat cni je la Mahabbah and it was done very well (malas plk nk tulis), and i think it was too late to rate that programme...so far.

Cuti,,oo,,cuti...pendek pun susah, pjg pun susah.... It is just 2 weeks...but start to miss my friends (xkesah la korang kat mana). Biasala kan, belajar skali, makan skali dan "gila-gila" pun skali..mustahil la x rindu.. 

If the 1st few days of holiday, i tried to click the "like" button of all FB-post..you know why??.. i wished and really hoped that my friends won't forget me for the whole 3 months holiday...but now just kept silence in a while (xthu la sebab apa)...dah xkesah kut...., perhaps I AM NOT MEMORABLE... sob*sob*
(i don't mind if they do not remember me....asalkan i won't forget them)

Anyway...best award goes to...me myself la.. Apakah lagi dugaan hari2 mendatang???/

jom layan..comel sangat kecik ni..harap2 la dpt ank mcm ni !!!!ameenn (kawen pun blum lg beb)

(",) Debaran kian mencemaskan

Yeahh...finally i get to see and update this simple blog :))

Mana taknya...kept myself occupied with 2 consecutive exams previously, endblock exam of Y2B4 and 1st profesional exam. If in the previous entry i mentiond about the beginning of a Y2B4 and i still remember how tense was i in order to adapt and struggle for the whole neuroanatomy block. However,the resut was already annouced last week and the pretty fact is,everyone managed to pass and eligible to sit for the 1st profesional exam . I am really happy because it is the 1st time in the history of 13th LEGACY where nobody got f**l for the end block result. Alhamdulillah, all my blocks exams turned into the complete weapon to battle in the 1st profesional exam.

Everything is pointed to the exam, exam, exam and of course it is prmarily the bread and butter of a medical student. Revision class started and the efforts were put thoroughly so that everything could be managed within 2 week's time of revision previod. Tipu la kalau org ckp tak nervous, different people come with different perspective, style and different ways of learning...sleep pattern pun dah ntah hape2 and caffeine is another bestfriend besides the pile of lecture notes and books. The momentum of that exam wass extremely dread and only Him comforted us..

Alhamdulillah, the 1st profesional exam was done smoothly (bole jawab ke tak laen kire la).. and the enjoyment of finishing the exam was a big issue actually because sometimes the face will falsely expressed what your heart felt . Although my mum and dad are not around, their voices are more than enough to support me and for sure it is relieved.. Anyway, today will be the fate for that battle either having a good 3 months holiday with the parents or another 1 month preparation for the second chance of winning that battle. I really hope that everyone gets their strength to know the truth of today's decision..okay...no more sedih2 yup.cheers up ckit, InsyAllah it will be good.....

P/s: Allah tidak akan menghampakan hambaNya melainkan ia hanyalah ujian untuk kita terus mendekati Dia.. InsyAllah..ameennn

-Go 13th Legacy Go-

(",) I worth it so much ...part 1 (2011)

Alhamdulillah... The end of Y2B4 is around the corner, but Are we ready enough for the final exam?? 
and are we pretty sure that the 1st Professional exam is within our finger clicks??
xpe2..we do still have less than a couple of weeks to prepare for the runway finale (bajet model ANTM)
which i think would be so enough, if all of us are burning the midnight oil struggling for that... unless your goal is beyond the "distinction"... tp tak mustahil kan...

Actually, i would like to dedicate this entry to all my PBL members since we have been together for 2 years and today is another day to be remembered.. Bestkan group kite?? All of us were working hard and every problems have been settled in the most honour way... Jom kite recap these moments (jgn terasa kpd sape2 yg terlibat):

1) PBL with Dr. Saad

hahhaha...It was so funny... i was warned for not playing with the "cap" of my highlighter.. ermm.. tp nasib bek la...xde org perasan.. and the most memorable thing.. masa ain hm n ain syafiqah maen cuit2... dr Saad saw that then....... hahaha tkut nak crita lebih2 (kang ad yg nangis plak...)
Moral : Doctors from the middle east usually are very particular about ADAB lagi2 kita kat IIUM (Uni laen pun sama) ..so we should observe our attitude and well-behaved in the particular time and places..
masa ni la kan nk kna marah...life is tough but we are tougher,actually it was a good mental preparation before step into the challenging clinical years..

2) PBL with Dr. Imad Mustafa

entah mcm mana la die study dulu (1 of the knowledge-lover)....he knows everything (nk klentong pun tkut).. Even it is just a simple principle of x-ray pun die thu (which is far from his subject)... 
ingat Dr.Imad...ingat amirul and lakonan2 terancang... 
Perhaps Amirul was so sensitive kut (if cannot answer don't mind la kan).. just go back and study.. Ingat lg pesan dr Imad, its ok if u don't know, just go back and read... it won't be ok if u don't know but never find for it......
yg lakonan tu plk, members from the other group yg ajar.. tp alhamdulillah ia mnjadi..


hehe..sje je....ni gambar lama...masa mkn ngan kawan kat santai..

(",) It is not the end


It's more than a month i haven't written anything here...miss this page so much.... and even i don't know where to start...perhaps clueless, since leaving the journey blunted without any direction... allright.....!!!

Actually.. i don't go anywhere...just mengabdikan diri dgn buku2 medik (bkannye hbis pun baca).. & YEZZ my friends and I admit that..this block is VERY, VERY, & VERY tough campared to the previous... how could you imagine, learning something inside your box...where the box that you can not see its real of nature.. 
But..i will never give it up... 

More than 1/2 way i have struggled and survived...so why do i need letting them to the rest..kan???....
Well... there is 2 more weeks before fighting for the final exam Y2B4.... and another 5 more weeks before the 1st profesional exam....

Please pray for our success.... and May Allah s.w.t gives us the strength to securely passing the exam with shining and glooming days next after....InsyAllah..

(",) Quality or Quantity ??


I'm more than happy if you are happy (cehh..wahhh)..hope u guys always under HIS shower of rahmah..
welcome to the 3rd muhasabah entry...actually i pun xde la pdai sgt when it comes to muhasabah slot, but if it's just for a reminder...boleh la...we're not perfect right, we need a friend to advice us which 1 is good and which 1 is not. Mcm org putih kata, "A shoulder for you to cry on"....But do you wonder, why FRIENDS??? why not PARENTS???.. 

Allright..can anyone guess, how much have you spent your time per day??or week??or month??or year?? with your beloved parents?? (except if your rumah sebelah dgn campus korang la)
- It is less compared to your time with your friends right??... That's why, the moms or dads always remind you... choose the good friends who you can rely on, not the friends that destroy you.

However,the fact is, even how much the time QUANTITATIVE-ly that you have had for your friends, but you are still looking for your QUALITATIVE time for your parents...btul tak?? So,as long as they are still alive please treat and appreciate them with the best we can do. Rajin2kanlah diri korang balik & jenguk diorang especially duk jauh ngan family... 

Money can not be exchanged with your parents' love!!!

P/s: actually this is a dedication for my friends who lost their parents... Ingatlah temanku, sesungguhnya setiap yang bernyawa akan merasai saat-saat kematian...yg membezaknnya adalah bagaimana, dimana & bila... dan tiada siapa yg mampu menduga tarikh kematian diri sendiri....

Well..xmau sedih2 jom relax layan lagu ni, all about friendship 
(tp prnah jgk nangis dgr lagu ni sbb meaningful sgt2)
Here I am - Leona Lewis

(",) The story of 3 musketeers

 Good mornng angels (who's gonna be the next VS's angel perhaps) !!!!....

Best friends forever!!!
           I still remember, for the first time ever i saw their faces and introduced to each other around march 2005 when i was registered to my wonderful boarding school MJSC Kota Putra. However, it didn't move smoothly at the early couple of weeks because it's very difficult for me to accept them (ada la sebabnya)-- btul tak korng???. Tp nak cakap Allah's power is the greatest of all, and maybe it's a fate where we got to know each other and this relationship is still strenghtened and kept glooming until now...
            It's a great moment to know them who taught me a lot about what actually the life should be drawn into...and i can imagine, if i didn't know them a few years ago (maybe i would rather be more nerdy and sellfish). There is where the power of 3 musketeers a.k.a "sep rabit maktab" became the most popular among the students and even the staffs (tp among them, i la the most popular, maybe i comel kut). Everyone was talking bad about us since we were the happiest and "gediks" group ever in the school during that time (it sounds arrogance and slimy right..haha)..tp itulah hakikat yg harus kami telan, Just be yourself guys, xkesah la pe orng nk kata... we know ourselves better than them because the people mostly judge the book from its cover jer, yg isi dlm satu habuk apa pun diorng tak dpt... But now, i'm so proud with our achievement...

Izwan: he is a 3rd year medical student of UITM (who's gonna be the next pengarah hospital kat GM..haha)
Ikhwan: he is a student of chemical engineering
Me : i'm a 2nd year medical student of IIUM (who's gonna be a good muslim and mukmin doctor later, insyAllah)

         Tp ingt jgn ada -ve thinking yer pasal kami, bkn sume org yg anti-, junior jer yg rmai (esp form 4,masa tu kami form 5 la) sbab diorng xknal kami sgt... kalo korng nak thu, masa tu batch kami memang respect kat kitorng sbb kitorng ad conquer some subjects (math mod, add math, BM, chem).. tu la orng ckp berkwan biar ramai, bermusuh jgn skali...btul tak???

I miss you guys so much !!! (bila la dpt mngimbau kmbali knangn lama bersama korang)

(",) The race


Almost 12 days, i was leaving  this page without any news...keep myself getting crazy with a new block, looking for a beautiful creation of HEAD & NECK and Nervous system....even sometimes feel to difficult compare to the previous one (i really am)....

Since 1 week was passing by, adaptation was still questionable...maybe i'm not too ready starting for a new system since "the time" is still a good thing to be debated...*sigh*..
forget about this for a while, hope next week will be better and more improvement onwards...
Actually, i have 2 things to share here:

1) The smile that overwhelmed me

           Tody is where the result for our previous final block (Y2B3) is annouced and alhamdulillah i got "PASS" for the result..The overall result is another story, but what i'd like to share here is about our parents respond on that..My friend (MAA 1144) text me about my result since i've no time to see them by my own and then just a few second after that, i called my mum, said to her regarding this because she was always asking about it before,..even its quite a good distance between her and me, where only telephone connecting us, i still can feel her happiness and pleasure and of course this is the blessing from HIM (Syukran Ya Allah).. I love and miss them so much!!!!

P/s: Always find and get their "restu" before doing anything, they actually want nothing from us, their life and what they have achieved right now are even better than us, our happiness is their happiness too and it's so much better to relieve them

2) Does rabbit learn any lesson from his loss???

May be some of you might wonder, why do i write this..if you still remember about a story of tortoise winning a game over the loser rabbit,. why the story will be always became a famous and good?? even it's just not more than a lullaby and 1 night story... arrogance??efforts??cheat??tired??determination.......
Ask yourselves??? Wanna be a tortoise or rabbit??? will rabbit lose for once again to his companion (will he let them go??)...of course not right... once u fail, it doesn't mean that you will fail for the whole life, as long as there is still a hope, we should try and look for them...
Nobody denies to be perfect, but does that perfection suit you????
and it's the main question to be answered..(even happen to me too)...
Actually, this is a dedication to my friends who losing their games for the previous block.. keep ur head up high, Allah is always there for us (but 1 most important thing is, don't ever lose your hope to HIM)

P/s: pjg gile, merepek jer cakap...erm.... sje je uolz sbb lama sgt dah tak "mem-porah-kan" blog...huhu

(",) Valentine's day???

So sweettt!!!!!

Now i open the floor up to this important discussion topic??? WHY, WHY and WHY???

I'm not going to bash any1 with this opinion,..sit down properly, close your eyes tightly and try to think positively..

how much VALENTINE is SUPERFINE to yourlife???...

"valentine's day has different meaning than its original" (btul ker???) if every1 put this into their consideration n of coz everybody will tell u...kte xmampu mngubah keadaan la... VALENTINE will always be remained as a VALENTINE, Nobody can change the true story of a Christian martyrs into the passion of a love.... Maulidurrasul pun xingat n byk persoalan timbul, inikan pula the day that we don't really know about its cronology...ermm...

"the day to show your truly love" (apa ke jadahnye yob??) No matter people keep to say, "orng melayu memang sukakan events"...amboi3x (azwan ali uolz) xcukup ker hari2 lain to show your love?? .ha korng tunggula events sebenar akn muncul 9 bulan 10 hari akan dtg..... Look at this:

Statistic of Babies dumping in Malaysia (from PDRM)
2005 = 67 kes
2006 = 83 kes
2007 = 65 kes
2008 = 102 kes
2009 = 79 kes
2010 = 91 kes
2011 = ??? (Januari shaja dah 34 kes)

Is this statistic still considered as not significant??? ha korng kena ingat, these are the cases that can be identified by our PDRM ( yg x di identified pa cerita??)..and it becomes a truly sadness story since JPN recorded 257 000 are registered without their fathers names...and among this around 44 % are Malays (yg ni up to 2003 jer, skunk kompem lg tinggi kan)....

p/s : kalo nk jgk kawin la awal2... kalo xde xpyh la buat sume tu, parents, siblings, lecturers, friends and the Ultimate Allah s.w.t kan ada...just show ur love to them...

Jom...Layan lgu ni lg best, "Make you feel my love - Rebecca Ferguson"

(",) A journey with "Petai Jeruk"

What would you guess for??? (ermm...not really in a good mood)

You know what...it was a terrible journey indeed.....
i thought it was just a temporary and likely an imaginary  gitu.... tp ternyata i was wrong..
i asked my fren next to me, and he smelt the same odour...
unfortunately, he got an headache due to that..erm..pa ke jadahlah makck tu import petai dr kelantan
(but i didn't mean to say NOPE to her....but just remember...it's not only your journey,think about others
 how many people can stand and bear with that smelly things....)

we were lucky...xdela infants, babies or children in the same route...maunye die nanges...sape nk psg telinga???taknye menyusahkan org namamye tu...

konpem...dh sah dah...that "petai jeruk" was inside the luggage storerooom....

Pity to ma frens...nsb bek that nyte was not too hot...tutup air-conds...xdelah panas sgt...
i was just a preventive step tak nak la..that smelly fishy thing..meng"severe" kan lg the condition that was already acute kan...

When we arrived in the terminal,dh xbau dh bnda tu, perhaps that aunty got off in kemaman lg kut...

P/s: It's not difficult la makcik to make petai jeruk...On the way "raw petai" is still consider as allright because its smell not really too much...but when it comes into "jeruk" so many things we have to think and consider...

Hahaha..sometimes it was funny to be remembered again...

So many things to be told but...its not as easy, breezy, and beautiful as covergirl version...pape pun, nxt tyme la k...                                                                                                  

(",) Love her so much

May Allah s.w.t bless your good deeds.....I love & miss you so much...
Hope your courages will be always beside me

:: cry without pain, stand up and love me::

to be continued....

(",) Keep me smile

Halloop!!! Assalamualaikum..

ermm..1 day without leaving any notes to be shared...new blogger + new explorer of this old stuff
Just for my own satisfaction, improve the E. writing and most likely gaining more words to be used for....
Ok...forget all about this.

 Have you thought that, what's a terrible life is this?
You have no enough time for yourself...and even to call your parents just for 1 second..
it's so cruel right?? sometimes you lie to yourself that you are happier than anyone..
but the reality is, your life is shadowed by your selfishness

:: I could stand by the side & watch this life pass me by,so unhappy, but as could be... ::

Hence, what do you live for?
Anyway, even
How much hurts you feel and
How much the chaotic life is...
Remember 1 thing....Allah is there to support you, what's the life for without the help of HIM??
Will HE leave you alone??(of course you know the answers right),so what now

Stand up high, keep your head up, be confident, and just shout out loudly that
I'm a WINNER of this life.

p/s: keep "adoring" my page at http://volvox-licious.blogspot.com

(",) Monologue ...


I thought this would be the best season where i should start...SHARING & BRAINSTORMING
the ideas of what i'm supposed to face for the upcoming years. Exactly the life is tough, but i would be rather tougher to survive and fight for my right. 


It's not just for fun (mungkin kot), but more to inspire & motivate me so that all the things would be straight away to the target. The target that brought me at this distant exploring and experiencing this twisted life.

:: I'm a dreamer, distant dreamer, dreaming for hope from today ::

May ALLAH s.w.t grand me the best efforts, desire, determination and confidence to stand at this moment.
Anyway, its a pleasure for me if i can contribute even a little things with you guys from my humble knowledge and ...
Here is where the story of VOLVOX begins !!!

p/s: keep "adoring" my page at http://volvox-licious.blogspot.com