My patient adik AS/3 years old/Malay/girl presented to HTAA with complaint of 1 episode of seizure prior to admission.
- witnessed by her mother
- sudden in onset (during sleeping)
- generalized and lasted about 10 minutes
- occur once only within 24 hours
- associated with uprolling of eyes, stiffness of limbs and vomiting of milk
- no post-ictal complications
preceded by fever, runny nose and diarrhea
- fever was 38 degree celcius noted at home
- diarrhea occured 3 times with no foul smelling
- in contact with sick people at home
P/E: noted only febrile (38) and tachycardia (148 bpm)
provisional diagnosis : Simple febrile seizure secondary to viral fever/AGE
Questioned ask by Dr.ABG Nagi :
- Definition of high grade fever
- Cut point for tachycardia and tachyponea in this age
- Prognosis of simple febrile seizure
- Why did you mention viral fever not bacterial?
- Signs of meningeal irritation
- Definition of Kernig's and Brudzinki's signs?
- Classification of seizures (maybe yg ni Dr nak based on ILAE)
- Definition of simple and complex febrile seizure
- Comparison of management between simple and complex febrile seizure (yg ni aku ckp xthu)
- Complication of complex febrile seizure
- If patient presented with complex seizure what are the investigations you would like to send
- Management of status epilepticus
- Examples of anti-convulsant (diazepam, phenytoin, phenobarbitone...etc)
- If patient with seizure was given all types of anti-convulsant but the seizures still occur, what you want to do (inducing coma)
- etc..
Adik SNF/ 6years old/ facial puffiness
Please inspect this patient, DON'T TOUCH
Questioned asked by Dr.Aye Aye:
- Is this moon face? Why? (prolonged used of steroid)
- Examples of diseases that treated with steroids?
- What are steroid toxicities?
- What do you think the disease that the patient had? NS
- Patient has already performed renal biopsy, what are the indications for renal biopsy?
- What are the types of nephrotic syndrome? and what do you think about this patient?
- What is the prognosis of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)?
- Dgn yaqeennye duk present dalam bilik ber-aircond sempat pulak Dr. ABG Nagi tidur dgr presentation aku....hampehhhh
- Masa session CP ngan Dr.ABG Nagi aku present kes sama simple febrile seizure, alhamdulillah dpt jgk idea mcm mn nk buat ayat dan prepare soalan yang bakal Dr balik2 dia p pusing soalan laen...mak aihh
- Patient nephrotic tu aku dh clerk last week, so nsb bek la ad jgk idea nk present...
aku bermonolog sendirian sebelum keluar pergi exam:
[Allah dah tetapkan rezeki aku, walau apa pun terjadi jgn sedikit pun pertikaikan rezeki Allah]
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Muka2 DR kesayangan (termasuk yg xde dalam gambar, Dr.Nargis, Dr.Taufiq & Dr.Fadzillah) haha..gambar aku pun masuk!!! |
InsyAllah mudah-mudahan apa yang aku usahakan hari ini menjadi bukti untuk hari yang akan datang.. Doa dan tawakal kepada Allah semoga ilmu yang diperolehi mendapat keredhaan-NYA.
Semoga mendapat PASS untuk paed posting..ameen
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