(",) The race


Almost 12 days, i was leaving  this page without any news...keep myself getting crazy with a new block, looking for a beautiful creation of HEAD & NECK and Nervous system....even sometimes feel to difficult compare to the previous one (i really am)....

Since 1 week was passing by, adaptation was still questionable...maybe i'm not too ready starting for a new system since "the time" is still a good thing to be debated...*sigh*..
forget about this for a while, hope next week will be better and more improvement onwards...
Actually, i have 2 things to share here:

1) The smile that overwhelmed me

           Tody is where the result for our previous final block (Y2B3) is annouced and alhamdulillah i got "PASS" for the result..The overall result is another story, but what i'd like to share here is about our parents respond on that..My friend (MAA 1144) text me about my result since i've no time to see them by my own and then just a few second after that, i called my mum, said to her regarding this because she was always asking about it before,..even its quite a good distance between her and me, where only telephone connecting us, i still can feel her happiness and pleasure and of course this is the blessing from HIM (Syukran Ya Allah).. I love and miss them so much!!!!

P/s: Always find and get their "restu" before doing anything, they actually want nothing from us, their life and what they have achieved right now are even better than us, our happiness is their happiness too and it's so much better to relieve them

2) Does rabbit learn any lesson from his loss???

May be some of you might wonder, why do i write this..if you still remember about a story of tortoise winning a game over the loser rabbit,. why the story will be always became a famous and good?? even it's just not more than a lullaby and 1 night story... arrogance??efforts??cheat??tired??determination.......
Ask yourselves??? Wanna be a tortoise or rabbit??? will rabbit lose for once again to his companion (will he let them go??)...of course not right... once u fail, it doesn't mean that you will fail for the whole life, as long as there is still a hope, we should try and look for them...
Nobody denies to be perfect, but does that perfection suit you????
and it's the main question to be answered..(even happen to me too)...
Actually, this is a dedication to my friends who losing their games for the previous block.. keep ur head up high, Allah is always there for us (but 1 most important thing is, don't ever lose your hope to HIM)

P/s: pjg gile, merepek jer cakap...erm.... sje je uolz sbb lama sgt dah tak "mem-porah-kan" blog...huhu

2 flirting:

Unknown said...

200% agree!infact they got to know the most important thing is not about winnin da game..its what we get through the journey is that matters..ktpon pas seriusly allah tolong.seriously!sgt2..tyme2 gni la kte tau klau allah tak tolong kte,kte tak kan kemana.kan kan?n those who cant make it bkn allah tak tolong maybe adelah hkmah kat situ(macam seng ja cakap kan..)insyallah kte semua akn brjaya jd doktor muslim,bkn muslim ja tapi MUKMIN yang berjaya.hehe kan kan pju?^^" awk pujuk la dorng ckp dorang medic is rezki..kt yakin sesangt bnda..insyallh2 allh iznkn kte semua berjaya =)

Fizul Yusoff @ volvox said...

Thanks shahira..i'm really appreciated what do u mean by.... insyAllah they will survive and fight against theirs emotions... mcm ad hikmah jer, most of them were getting busy prepared for our batch's picnic... nsb bek la diorng dpt cope..(even awal2 sy sgt3 tkut, mnala th tkut diorng xbleh overcome)..tp bkn sume la, ad jgk yg mcm snyap jer...tp yg sy pling risau adala 2,3 org (kamu thu kan, knapa??)...I ask from Allah, please give them the greatest efforts to do the best for this last block... mndaki biar smpai ke puncak dan jgn ad yg tercicir !!!