Assalamualaikum !!! pag ibig mo ang lahat..
Have a nice day... and my tagline for today is "to feel good is to look good". Absolutely, be optimistic is another option which may give you a different dimension of confidence trick disregard to what the people feel towards seem to create your own world by ignoring any negative perception on you.. and of course you rock your own life...but mind that, optimistic solely is not enough because sometimes put a little hypocrisy may help you better to prevail any difficulties... In short, jgn terlebih sudah.. ermm.....
Actually, i have another true story whereby i kept from last week before jotting it down here...and before that, Prof Ariff (our best anaesthetist) never misses this in his lecture.. Try to learn, unlearn and relearn. So, xdela nk buka aib org..just learn from it.
Last Saturday, there was a mother around 60's (org kg aku jgk) came to my house and told something to my mum. And for your information, my mum is another good reason because we have a small shop which supplies keperluan2 dapur, lebih kurang retailer la....She opened her mouth describing about her current family conditions...and honestly, i didn't expect a mother to dishonour her own children (mungkin dah habis ikhtiar kut)
Okay, senang citer....Briefly, her husband is suffering from heart problem and is advised for not to do any heavy work...Diorng pun bukan dari keluarga yang senang...sekadar bergantung harap dengan anak2 yang dah bekerja je of her daughter dah terlanjur ngn her BF and it is a forced-marriage since she was detected of being pregnant.. then she told about her son who involved with drug abuse..xclap aku methamphetamine (pil kuda)..Dah la bdk tu tak bekerja,dan pil tu bknnye murah...It's truly a sad sad story (kalaulah korang boleh tengok sendiri dpn mata seorang ibu tua dengan penuh ekspresinya bercerita)...yela kan ibu mana tak sedih anak yang ditatang dan dijaga akhirnya menjadi tak seperti yg diharapkan..Mudah2an hari2 yg mendatang ditempuhi dgn penuh tabah dan cekal..ameen..
okaylah guys...belajar dari kesilapan sendiri dan berdoa supaya Allah permudahkan lagi urusan kita..ameenn
P/s: ermm...dah macam rojak dah bahasa aku..k aku cuba ubah untuk post akan datang (seruan kerajaan banggalah dgn Bahasa ibunda)